A short fashion film about a girl who goes to a fantastical party under her bed.
Clothing + styling - 2.5D @2POINT5D assistant- Jessica Haines @jesscaja Director - @solbaldi Camera OP - @i.letch & @martaviti_film Electric - @mbahaari_ 1st AD - @tiarapillant Sound recordist - @meg.moggg Music - Plum Jr. @plumjrmusic Models Main Lead/ Alice- Danni ♡ Lobster Lady- Florence Dewar @secondbestdad Mon Cheri - Rajvir Sahota- @rajvir.sahota Princess of hearts- JJ- @jesscaja The Cow Boy- Liam Ord- @installiam Herb Master Hong- Oli Foxen @warriorpope Bloody Mary- Daryl Hembrough @darylhembrough Disco Dolly- Tilly Kempf- @charmanderxo One Eye Wanda- Ren Wolfe @yuckywolf